Record low in new housing index: How to budget

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Today, Swedbank’s new housing index is presented and it shows a record low. The figures reflect the purchasing power of Swedish households when it comes to houses and condominiums, and they show that the housing economy is worse now than it has been in many years. And that is worrying, says private economist Arturo Arques.

– Households have a weaker and worse housing economy now than they had during the financial crisis in 2008. We have to go back all the way to the nineties to see such a weak housing economy among households.

This is how you take control of your finances

– The advice to all households is to make a budget. If you make a budget, you will be in control and if you are in control, you can influence your finances, avoid all unnecessary small expenses and plan larger purchases, says Arturo Arques, who also advises on how to tighten the budget even if you work with small or no margins.
