Noisy at demonstration in Stockholm – museum stormed

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

A demonstration against the Iranian regime degenerated during Tuesday evening in central Stockholm.

After the authorized demonstration, which was held at Gustav Adolf square, about 50 people stormed a nearby museum where a panel discussion organized by the Foreign Policy Institute was taking place. A commotion ensued and in connection with it a person was arrested.

The police described the situation as “rowdy”.

– Then a lot of other Iranians storm in, and they are also against the mullahs. But I don’t consider them dangerous. They just want to protest and attract attention, says witness Åke Söderlund.

– It’s quite messy. A lot of screaming, said Rasmus Karlsson, TV4 Nyheternas reporter on the spot outside the museum.

The police announce that they are investigating the incident as a violent riot and illegal trespass.
