the DLC with playable Joseph Seed dated, a disturbing image

the DLC with playable Joseph Seed dated a disturbing image

After Vaas, after Pagan Minh, after Dany Trejo and even after the bonus mission that allowed you to get the John Rambo skin, it’s Joseph Seed’s turn to land in additional content for Far Cry 6. Ubisoft indeed comes from us send a nightly press release to let us know that the “Joseph: Downfall” DLC will be available from February 8th. As we already know, it will be possible to embody the iconic villain of Far Cry 5 who will find himself in an alternative version of Hope County in Montana, with gameplay inspired by roguelite. It will therefore be an opportunity to find this brain-stricken guru, who will have to face the former members of his sect when his faith has left him. Like Vaas and Pagan Minh, we will discover that he is an internally tortured character and that he will have to face his inner demons, but also his family. Here is an illustration to accompany the news.

far cry 6
