the decree appointing Colonel Abdoulaye Maïga as interim Prime Minister repealed

the decree appointing Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga as interim Prime Minister

In Mali, it is the end of the suspense in Mali about the return of Choguel Maïga to the prime minister. Ruling junta leader Assimi Goïta repealed the decree appointing Colonel Abdoulaye Maïga as interim prime minister, paving the way for the return of Choguel Maïga as head of government. The announcement was made yesterday evening, Sunday, by the authorities on national television. Choguel Maïga, a civilian appointed Prime Minister in June 2021, was forced to distance himself in August after suffering a stroke at the age of 64.

Appointed Prime Minister in June last year, Choguel Maiga had been removed from his post and replaced by the Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization following a cardio vascular accident who had taken him to a hospital a little less than four months ago.

Back on the political scene ten days ago, the former Prime Minister declared, after meeting the President of the Transition, Colonel Assimi Goïta, that ” By the grace of Allah, after three months of absence, here I am again among you, in possession of my physical and intellectual abilities.. »

► Read also : Four months after his heart attack, Choguel Maïga received by Colonel Assimi Goïta

Since then, speculation has been rife about whether or not he will return to the prime ministership.

His successor Abdoulaye Maiga gave the impression, according to observers, of wanting to cling to the chair of acting Prime Minister, or even become Prime Minister in his own right. He had also removed the Administrative and Financial Director of his predecessor to put in his place a trusted man, and had also launched himself into the anti-French one-upmanship, still like his predecessor.

Magistrates on strike, malaise among teachers and students, social discontent is rising today in Mali. Other observers explain that Choguel Maïga, an old hand in Malian politics and one of the figures of the December 5 Movement who contributed a great deal to the fall of Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta in 2020, would once again have become essential for the military junta in power.

► Read also : Visit of the ECOWAS mediator to Mali to take stock of the transition
