Vaccination pass: another change in the event of Covid infection! The rules

Vaccination pass another change in the event of Covid infection

VACCINE PASS. The Minister of Health has announced that French people who have received two doses and who have contracted Covid-19, or who have received a dose and who have contracted Covid-19 twice, will now be able to keep their vaccine pass without a booster dose. Explanations.

[Mis à jour le 3 février 2022 à 15h57] The Minister of Health has made it easier to obtain the vaccination pass for people who have contracted the Covid-19which today represents 1 out of 2 French people. Interviewed on BFMTV on Wednesday evening, he explained that “if you have had an injection and two infections, if you have had two injections and an infection – that it is before the injections , in the middle or after -, and if you have had three vaccine injections, you will keep the benefit of your pass” and this “without time limit, until a limit is set if the situation changes but today today without limit”.

“To benefit from the vaccine pass, our immune system must have been stimulated at least three times,” concluded the Minister of Health. To sum up, if you have injected a single dose of vaccine, but you have been contaminated twice with Covid-19, the vaccination schedule is complete, if you have injected two doses vaccine and you have been infected once with Covid-19, the vaccination schedule is complete. On the other hand, having been contaminated three times by Covid-19 does not make it possible to have a complete vaccination schedule.

In addition, Olivier Véran estimated, during the interview, that a reduction or abolition of the vaccine pass could be possible “if things go better”, before July 31, the end date of the device framed by law. . “If we can remove the pass before, we will do so” based on “relevant indicators” such as “the occupancy rate of intensive care beds by Covid patients” he specified.

Who is conditioned by the booster dose? Starting at what age ? How to calculate the deactivation date of your vaccination pass? Where to find this information ? What is the end date of the sanitary system? All the answers to your questions below:

Are people infected with Covid-19 exempt from the booster dose?

French people who were infected with Covid-19 before the first dose, between the two doses or after the two doses of the initial vaccination schedule are exempt from the booster dose, because one infection is worth a booster dose. “Whether this infection took place before, in the middle or after, you keep the benefit of your pass”, and this for an indefinite period, explained the Minister of Health Olivier Véran at the microphone of BFM TV on 2 February 2022. On the other hand, if you have been infected 3 times, the vaccination schedule is not valid. If, on the other hand, three doses have been taken, the scheme is obviously complete.

I had Covid and two doses of vaccine, will I keep my vaccine pass?

French people who have had Covid-19 before, during or after being injected with two doses of vaccine are no longer obliged to take their booster dose to keep their vaccine pass, for an unlimited period for the moment.

I had Covid and only one dose of vaccine, will I keep my vaccine pass?

French people who have been infected with Covid-19 only once before their first injection must still perform their second injection, which becomes a “booster dose”, since now an infection is equivalent to an injection. On the other hand, they do not have a third dose to do afterwards. “If you have had a single dose of vaccine and a single infection, that is when you have four months to do your booster dose”, summarized the Minister of Health Olivier Véran on February 2, 2022.

I had the Covid twice, do I have to get vaccinated to keep my vaccination pass?

The answer is yes, but only once! “To benefit from the vaccine pass, our immune system must have been stimulated at least three times”, explained the Minister of Health Olivier Véran on February 2. Thus, the French who have been contaminated twice by Covid-19 only have to do one dose of vaccine to obtain a valid vaccination pass, and this, for an unlimited period for the moment.

I have been infected with Covid three times, am I exempt from the vaccination pass?

Having been infected with Covid-19 three times unfortunately does not qualify for a vaccination pass. Although the Minister of Health Olivier Véran explained on February 2 that a Covid-19 infection was equivalent to an injection, exempting people who have been infected once with Covid from the booster dose, and from two doses people having been contaminated twice by the Covid, the rule differs on this last point. You must at least take one dose of vaccine to obtain your vaccination pass, in any case.

For whom the vaccination pass is conditioned on the booster dose?

As for the sanitary pass, the vaccine pass is conditioned on the booster dose for people aged 18 and over, which must be taken, from February 15, 2022, four months maximum after the last dose (first or second dose depending on the vaccine) , compared to 7 months previously. The government has also authorized the administration of the booster dose as early as 3 months after the previous dose of vaccine. In addition to minors, French people who have been contaminated at least once by Covid-19 are exempt from the booster dose.

In order to alert the people concerned by the expiry of their vaccination pass, an option available on the TousAntiCovid application alerts you when your pass is about to expire. “Your page will change color when you present the pass, so that you can clearly see the time remaining before deactivation,” said the Minister of Health.

Rest assured, it is not necessary to use a mental calculation, health insurance has put a simulator online, called My Covid Vaccine Reminder, which allows you to know your date of eligibility for the booster vaccination against Covid-19 as well as the expiry date of your vaccination pass. Accessible from a computer or smartphone, this teleservice asks you for your date of birth, if you have tested positive for Covid-19 since your last dose, the name of the vaccine used during the last injection and the date of your last injection for get the right answers.

What is the end date of the vaccination pass?

In principle, the law transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass is applicable until July 31, 2022. how could we maintain this vaccination pass beyond July 31, 2022, the deadline anyway”, confirmed on January 17 on France Info the deputy LREM Julien Borowczyk, president of the information mission of the National Assembly on the health crisis management. Prime Minister Jean Castex also announced on January 20 at a press conference that the vaccination pass could be lifted as soon as “epidemic and hospital pressure were to be reduced in a sustainable way”.

On January 25 on LCI, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran returned to these allegations, explaining that the vaccine pass would be maintained. “as long as there is a threat to hospitals”. For the vaccination pass to be withdrawn, the hospitalization figures must be “compatible with normal hospital operation”, without operations being rescheduled. “When we have emptied the resuscitation, in any case made room for patients who normally come under resuscitation, and there will no longer be deprogrammed care in our country, if there is no new variant in circulation at that time, the usefulness of the vaccine pass will be totally questionable and we can withdraw it”, he added on February 2, as part of an interview at the microphone of BFMTV.
