Covid-19: the question of the reduction of the health protocol in schools arises

Covid 19 the question of the reduction of the health protocol

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    At the end of the Health Defense Council which was held on Wednesday, the government spokesman, Gabriel Attal, took the floor to discuss the main decisions discussed during the meeting. A new health protocol in schools will be announced next week.

    A still “fragile” health situation

    According to Gabriel Attal, “for the first time in some time, we have a decrease in the incidence rate on the national territory”. Indeed, the incidence rate of Covid-19 has decreased in 11 of the 13 French regions. “Encouraging” signals, according to him, “which show that the trend is reversing“. Be careful not to declare victory too quickly, however. The government spokesperson qualifies his remarks by recalling that the situation is still “fragile” and that the omicron sub-variant must be scrutinized closely.

    Adapt the health protocol at school?

    Without rejoicing too quickly, the government is already asking the question of the reduction of the health protocol in schools. President Emmanuel Macron confided to our colleagues from La Voix du Nord: “I think a lot about our children, their families and teachers. They have been asked a lot. If the figures are confirmed, I hope that we can give visibility to the return of school holidays for each zone on the reduction of school protocol. We now have to anticipate them before the returns from the first zone.”.

    Gabriel Attal confirms these remarks by announcing that a “consultation” will be carried out by the government from “next week”. The members of the government will then announce the decisions taken concerning an adaptation of the health protocol, perhaps zone by zone, which is the preferred option for the moment.

    The elements studied for a reduction in the health protocol are as follows:

    • Lowering the level of protocol in schools, which can go from level 1 (green) to level 4 (red);
    • The evolution of the management of contact cases and tests when a positive case is detected in a class;
    • The abandonment of wearing a mask for the youngest students, which could be done as a priority in the playgrounds (as recently claimed by epidemiologist Martin Blachier).

    The reopening of nightclubs

    Professionals in the sector already knew it: the reopening of nightclubs is announced for February 16. The government spokesperson believes that “this is good news for professionals in this sector“, and “pays tribute to the managers of these establishments which have been the most closed during this crisis”.

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    Worrying situation in New Caledonia

    Cases of contamination are very high in New Caledonia and the health situation is particularly worrying. Gabriel Attal indicated that a state of health emergency was going to be declared on the spot.
