Marin: Europe is not strong enough to stand against Russia alone

Marin Europe is not strong enough to stand against Russia

During her visit to Australia, Prime Minister Sanna Marin also spoke about dependence on China, which she says must be reduced.

Prime minister Sanna Marini according to Putin’s attack has exposed European weaknesses and strategic mistakes made with Russia.

– I have to be brutally honest. Europe is not strong enough right now. We would be in trouble without the United States, Marin said during a visit to Australia in his speech. (you switch to another service)

Ukraine must be given “anything” to win the war, Marin added. He spoke at the Lowy Institute in Sydney.

Marin said that until now, Ukraine has received the most military, economic and humanitarian aid from the United States. According to him, Europe must develop similar characteristics and strengthen, for example, the defense industry, in order to cope with various situations.

The AFP news agency also highlighted the part of Marin’s speech where he talked about the attitude of Estonia and Poland towards Russia.

– We should have listened to our Baltic and Polish friends much earlier, Marin said.

The prime minister also warned against naivety towards China

The Financial Times highlighted the passage where Marin spoke about China.

Marin said that countries like Australia and Finland should reduce their dependence on authoritarian states, especially in the areas of energy production and technology.

– We have to stop being naive about China, Marin said.

According to him, the occupation of Ukraine has shown how important closer cooperation between democratic countries is.

You can read the speech in its entirety on the website of the State Council. (you switch to another service)
