Stig Salming moved to tears: “Must try to move on”

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Last week, the news reached the whole world that the ice hockey legend Börje Salming had passed away, aged 71, from the effects of the disease ALS.

Since then, the tributes and condolences have alternated. Something that is appreciated by Börje Salming’s brother Stig Salming.

– You are moved to tears when you think about the reception, he says in Efter fem.

Shortly before Börje’s passing, he participated in two major events that celebrated his career, in Toronto and in Stockholm. A nice ending, believes Stig, who at the same time believes that it may have taken the spirit out of the little brother.

– He really wanted to experience this. Somewhere, it feels like, in retrospect, that the energy ran out after that somehow. Like the body gave up.
