Covid France: what protocol in December 2022?

Covid France what protocol in December 2022

CORONAVIRUS IN FRANCE. After a short month of calm, France is currently experiencing a resumption of the circulation of the Covid virus, a sign of a potential 9th ​​wave according to certain epidemiologists. What are the measures and protocols to follow in December 2022?

[Mis à jour le 30 novembre 2022 à 11h01] All of the virological indicators (calculated from antigenic tests alone and all tests combined) and treatment use showed a resumption of the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 on national territory, indicates the bulletin of November 24, 2022 from Public Health France. Similarly, hospital indicators were on the rise again. In this context, you have to maintain your attention.Let’s wear the mask as soon as we are with fragile people or in crowded areas, such as public transport. It’s small gestures that save lives, we know that. They are decisive in reversing the epidemicdeclared Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, during the session of questions to the government, at the National Assembly on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. To date, the mask is compulsory in certain hospitals, laboratories or pharmacies. Bivalent vaccines, targeted on the Omicron variant, have arrived in pharmacies since October 3.

What are the anti-Covid measures facing in autumn 2022?

► Measures that persist or are in force:

  • Screening of people who are contacts and/or who show symptoms Covid.
  • Isolation for positive people at Covid.
  • Travel health certificate. The government can request a negative screening test on boarding towards French territory and for overseas travel. This border test may be required until March 31, 2023 for people over 12 years of age before boarding for French territory in the event of the appearance of a dangerous variant in a country, or in the event of a dangerous variant, it may apply to travelers from overseas territories, or to these regions in the event of a risk of saturation of the local hospital system.
  • Prolonged epidemic follow-up. Epidemic monitoring tools remain in place: SI-DEPthe national screening information system which centralizes all test results, is extended until June 30, 2023, and Covid contact, which provides follow-up and support for infected people and their contact cases, is extended until January 31, 2023.

What are the Covars recommendations?

The Covars issued its recommendations to deal with the current epidemic wave in France. Several physical means of prevention must be used in a joint and complementary way, he warns.

Wearing a mask: wearing a mask in the community was associated with a 14% reduction in the risk of infection. It is therefore essential to consolidate in the population a culture of prevention and attention to the most vulnerable. In France, it is currently not mandatory but strongly recommended. At European level, Germany has made wearing a mask compulsory in public transport and is considering extending the list of places of obligation.

Air quality control + renewalin closed places, in particular in schools. It is therefore advisable to ventilate regularly by opening the windows. Also, CO2 sensors must also be deployed without delay in all classes at school and university, as well as in meeting rooms, canteens, collective offices. Clear messages should be given to families about the need to ventilate rooms at home regularly.

Screening. Maintain simple and easy access to PCR or antigen tests performed in pharmacies or laboratories

Treat, especially with Paxlovid.

What are the measures for wearing a mask?

To date, wearing a mask is no longer compulsory in France, except in certain hospitals, laboratories or pharmacies. But to limit viral spread, wearing a mask is again encouraged in transport, insisted Brigitte Autran, president of the new Committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks (Covars) on Friday September 30 on franceinfo. “It must become a kind of civic gesture“. The mandatory mask in some places is also “under study”, she said. “Let’s wear the mask as soon as we are with fragile people or in crowded areas, such as public transport”, insisted on recalling Elisabeth Borne on November 29.

To date, wearing a mask is strongly recommended :

  • in closed and crowded places and public transport (metro, train, bus, plane, etc.);
  • in large gatherings, including outdoors, for people who are fragile due to their age or their pathologies;
  • in the presence of elderly, immunocompromised or chronically ill people;
  • for fragile people (elderly or immunocompromised…).
  • in the event of symptoms and up to 7 days in the event of contact status at risk or on release from isolation.

What are the Covid measures at the hospital?

With the end of the state of health emergency in France on July 31, 2022, there was the end of the exceptional measures for the hospital. the health pass is no longer required at the entrance to hospitals. Wearing a mask either, in theory. Nevertheless, theAP-HP (Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris) indicates that “due to the fragility of the people who are cared for, and given the high level of circulation of the virus, in hospitals, wearing a mask will remain compulsory inside hospital buildings (not in outdoor areas) for staff, patients and visitors.” Elsewhere than in Paris, the person in charge of the establishment or the medico-social service (hospitals, clinics, health centers, etc.) may make it compulsory to wear a protective mask, indicates the Public Service website. Find out before you go to the hospital. In hospitals, staff not vaccinated against Covid are still suspended in France.

What are the Covid measures at school?

Since the back to school 2022there is more protocol at school. the Ministry of Education established, in connection with the health authorities, a graduation including a pedestal of measures and three protocol levels (green, orange, red). It is the “base” level that is currently in force: there is no no restrictions for students (no mask, no distance…) and face-to-face course for all levels.

Sanitary measures at school for September 2022 © Ministry of National Education

What are the measures for the Covid vaccine recall?

The second booster dose is open to:

  • people aged 18 to 60 years old at risk of severe form
  • women pregnant from the 1st trimester of pregnancy
  • people in those around vulnerable people or immunocompromised
  • the elderly 60 years and over who are 6 months or more away from their first booster (or last covid infection)
  • people of over 80 years old
  • residents in accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) and in long-term care units (USLD)
  • immunocompromised patients
  • to all healthcare professionalsregardless of their age or state of health
  • to all of employees in the health and medico-social sectorI, home help working with vulnerable people, medical transport professionalsas well as to firefighters

The bivalent vaccines, targeted on the Omicron variant, arrived on Monday, October 3 in pharmacies.

What are the measures for isolation?

For positive people with a complete and up-to-date vaccination schedule and for children under 12 years old : the isolation is for a period of 7 (full) days from the date of the onset of symptoms or the date of the collection of the positive test.

Diagram of isolation rules in the event of Covid
Diagram of isolation rules in the event of Covid and for contact cases © Ministry of Health and Prevention

We must continue to be tested when we have the impression of having symptoms or that we are in contact. Laboratories must be able to ‘type’ which virus is involved. Without it, we won’t know if a nasty variant arises. There may be.”, recommended Brigitte Autran on October 4 on RMC. A person in contact with a person who tested positive for Covid-19 must be notified by the positive case or by Health Insurance (by SMS or by telephone). there is more isolation instructions for contact cases and the test instructions are identical regardless of your vaccination status. The contact case must perform a screening test (RT-PCR or antigen test or self-test) 2 days after being notified by Health Insurance or by the positive person.

What are the measures for travel?

Since August 1, 2022, the border health control system has been lifted, in accordance with the law putting an end to the exceptional regimes created to fight against the epidemic linked to covid-19. Travelers don’t have no more formalities to complete before their arrival in France, in mainland France and overseas, and presentation of the health pass can no longer be required, regardless of the country or zone of origin. Likewise, no more justification of the reason for a trip departing from France, in mainland France and overseas, no certificate of leaving the territory is required by the French authorities to go to another country.

What measures have disappeared in France?

Since August 1, 2022:

  • End of the health pass obligation in places where it could still be required (hospital, EHPAD, etc.)
  • End of the obligation to wear a mask, but it remains recommended in transport in particular.
  • End of possible use of confinement and curfew
  • Dissolution of the Covid-19 Scientific Council replaced by a “Committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks” (COVARS) placed under the ministers of health and research.


  • March 14: end of the vaccination pass
  • March 21: end of isolation for contact cases
  • April 7: opening of the 4th dose of Covid vaccine to over 60s
  • July 31: end of the state of health emergency in France (end of the health pass, end of the compulsory mask)


Covid-19: International travel, Ministry of the Interior.

