Reusable compote gourd: the best for baby meals

Reusable compote gourd the best for baby meals

For compotes and purees cooked by parents, reusable water bottles are very useful for storing and feeding the child. Our selection.

More and more parents are opting for “homemade” for their children’s meals. But how do you store the purées and compotes made with love in a practical way? In reusable water bottles gone! They have many advantages, including ecological ones. Instead of buying compotes to drink whose packaging will end up in the trash as soon as they have been consumed, they can be reused many times. In addition, they are practical to use for young children, who love this way of eating. In terms of conservation, it also saves space: a dozen compote pouches take up less space in the freezer than as many jars or boxes! To choose the right model, think about your needs. If you plan to use the reusable compote gourd only once in a while for a walk, opt for a silicone model., which will take up a little more space but will be easy to handle for small hands. If the goal is to prepare and store several portions, opt for a set of reusable plastic water bottles. They will take up less space, you can write their content on them, and even manage the quantities because they are often graduated. They generally fill from the bottom before being closed, which is practical when you have several to fill. Our selection of the best reusable compote gourds for babies and children.
