How to make pretty Christmas gift packages for children?

How to make pretty Christmas gift packages for children

Wrapping up pretty gifts shows that the present has been given attention. How to make a beautiful packaging for children’s gifts to put under the tree?

It may seem trivial, but a nice gift package is attractive. Not only do we want to open it even more, but we know that the person has devoted time and attention to it! It also looks good in photos, if you like to have harmonious compositions for your family memories. Discover our tips for making a beautiful wrapping for a child’s gift, if you want to refine your gifts down to the smallest detail… and amaze your little ones!

Young children do not have the same sense of aesthetics as adults. For them, all you have to do is choose a nice wrapping paper (on the Christmas theme with shiny elements, or with the image of their favorite characters) and possibly add a bow or bolduc. If you really want to do something personalized, you can go DIY and make animal gift wrap.

It will also appeal a lot to slightly older children who will pay more attention to the gift wrapping. For them, you can also opt for an origami-style gift package, original and always effective! Another very good idea if you are short on time is to make a personalized label according to your tastes, for example by printing and cutting out an image of your favorite video game character. It’s easy to do and it’s not time consuming.

Teenagers like to know that parents have understood that they are no longer children. We can then make more “adult” gift packages, for example by integrating holly or fir branches, by playing with different materials, etc. What is very trendy at the moment is sleek kraft paper gift wrapping. You can leave it as it is or paint it with polka dots, draw Christmas houses, fir trees… It doesn’t take too long, and the result will be even more pleasing.

What eco-responsible gift wrapping for a child?

If you are one of those who cringe at times seeing the mountains of gift wrap go in the trash after the big unboxing, you can use reusable and/or recycled packaging, which will allow you to have eco-responsible packages at your feet. fir tree. Here are some ideas:

– Recycling of packaging : a tin of tea, coffee or cakes in metal, a shoebox that is painted, a cardboard roll of toilet paper or paper towel for small objects… You can completely reuse the packaging of everyday products to prepare your gift packages! In addition, in the case of boxes with lids, it will be easier to handle for a young child.

– Recycled paper : at home, you inevitably have newspapers and magazines lying around, or tissue paper after ordering on the Internet. You can reuse them to wrap gifts, so you don’t have to buy special paper. For example, children will love seeing their toy wrapped in a magazine page featuring their favorite cartoon character! Again, this solution is suitable for young children who do not yet know how to untie knots, but who know how to tear paper.

– The fabric pouch : the fabric pouch is an excellent alternative to wrapping paper, as it is completely reusable. After being used to wrap a gift, it can be reused to store small toys, underwear or shoes in a suitcase, etc. You can easily find them in stores (don’t hesitate to look at artisanal bulk bags), on Esty or on sites like C-MyLabel, which offers 100% customizable fabric bags at a price of 26 euros. It is also possible to make it yourself if you have some sewing skills.

– Furoshiki : very trendy in recent years, the furoshiki is a Japanese gift wrapping made from a piece of fabric. Easy to make, it is very pretty and does not pollute the planet since it can be reused over and over again! However, this idea is best reserved for children from 5-6 years old, who will understand how to untie the knot and will not try to tear the fabric.

Is this a way to save on gifts?

With inflation affecting all everyday products but also Christmas toys, many families have revised their gift budget downwards. If you feel guilty about offering less this year, and thought you were compensating the inside with the outside, don’t be so tormented! Be aware that young children do not really have the notion of money, and having a less expensive gift will not shock them. In the same way, the packaging will certainly have a wow but ultra-ephemeral effect.. Make your gifts and their packaging for the sole purpose of pleasing, without any other calculation whatsoever. Also, don’t we say that it is the intention that counts? In fact, it may also be the best time to learn that the value of a gift does not reside only in its physical and material element, but is as rich with all the time and heart as it is. friends ! In this sense, a packaging is certainly futile, frivolous, but can also mean a lot. Enough to impress the children, and make them experience the magic of Christmas… until the end of their rope!
