4-way coop is finally coming, a new villain too, 1st image

the new release date finally revealed patience

Released on October 21, Gotham Knights was a small disappointment, let’s be clear. With its somewhat sad open world, its fights that lacked potato, the soft sensations behind the wheel of the Bat-Cycle, and the absence of 4K 60fps (for a game released only on next gen ‘), the title developed by Warner Bros Montreal fell short. Worse still, four-way cooperation (although a commercial argument during the promotional videos) was not even accessible when the game was launched. A shot that will be rectified tomorrow, since the Canadian studio has just warned its community that this feature will be available tomorrow, Tuesday, November 29, 2022, through a free update. Another good news, this update will also allow to integrate a new character in the game, a super-villain by the name of Starro and that we have also seen in the sequel-reboot by James Gunn released last year. At the movie theater. On the image teased by Warner Bros Montreal, the starfish appears with a normal size and seems contained in a laboratory, undoubtedly the place where the experiments on this creature took place. For the rest, you will have to launch the game with this new update to see how this Starro will be integrated into the game.

Gotham Knights
