Armenia/Turkey relations: the reopening of the Yerevan-Istanbul airline is a strong signal

ArmeniaTurkey relations the reopening of the Yerevan Istanbul airline is a

The Istanbul-Yerevan airline reopens from February 2, an important signal. Behind this reopening: negotiations are underway between the Armenian and Turkish government supported by Moscow to normalize relations between the two countries, whose border has been closed since 1993, monitored by Russia. The flights had only been stopped since November 2019.

From our correspondent in Yerevan,

From Yerevan, the reopening of flights to Istanbul is seen as an opportunity for Armenia to open up. For Knar Khudoyan, an Armenian journalist, who flew for the first time in his life to work in Turkey, these flights will simplify exchanges between the two countries.

I am against the border being closed as a human rights activist. I think this right to travel is universal. So reopening these thefts is major news, but not historic because there was a lot of theft before.»

Coming to terms with Azerbaijan

There are several blockages which have already caused diplomatic negotiations to fail in the past: the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, a territory disputed by Yerevan, supported by Moscow and Azerbaijan, supported by Ankara. Ankara which never recognized the Armenian genocide of 1915.

For Knar Khudoyan, Armenian negotiations with Turkey and Azerbaijan are linked. “No normalization between two countries that have fought each other in history can occur without dialogue between communities. Within the process of normalization between Armenia and Azerbaijan, there is talk of opening trade in goods, rail transport, but nothing on an air link. The normalization of the relationship with Turkey is more advanced. »

A real signal of normalization?

For the political scientist at the Caucasus Institute in Yerevan, Hrant Mikaelyan, Turkey must first lift the blockade on Armenian property and make the negotiation process more transparent. He also fears the intervention of Azerbaijan in the negotiations with Turkey.

If the negotiations between Armenia and Turkey take place without the intervention of Azerbaijan, without discussing the question of Nagorno-Karabakh. Only to talk about the relations between the Armenian and Turkey, in particular on the borders, trade, it would be a real signal of normalization. There are signs that show that both countries are moving in this direction. Since this negotiation process is not transparent to the general public, I cannot be sure.

The Armenian Foreign Minister is expected in March in Turkey, an official visit which could mark an important turning point in the negotiations.
