Humanity seeks to travel to the Moon again. In this context, just a few weeks ago, the capsule, called Orion, embarked on a journey from Earth to the Moon with the Artemis 1 mission. While the Orion capsule had gone to the Moon, it could not return without taking pictures of the Moon. That didn’t happen. Orion managed to image the surface of the Moon. Those photos will not be easily forgotten!
According to the news of Bgr, the results of the photos have now been shared with the whole world. The American Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) posted them on their Flickr account for all to see.
Orion’s photos of the Moon aren’t as colorful as we saw in the first images captured by James Webb, but they do show an eerie and haunting view of the Moon’s surface.
Sending humans back to the Moon is one of the primary goals of many space agencies, especially NASA.
The photos were taken from about 130 km away.
The images help us understand the somewhat majestic and somewhat frightening appearance of the Moon’s surface.
As frightening as the photos may seem, Artemis missions are progressing successfully so far.