Massive covid protests in China: “Down with Jinping and the Communist Party”

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The Chinese regime is facing more and more protests for its harsh covid policy and in recent days protests have taken place in several places in the country. It has not been possible to confirm how many protests are involved, but in Shanghai the police are said to have used pepper spray against protesters who shouted slogans such as “to hell with zero tolerance”. Posts about protests on social media are reported to have been immediately deleted. The zero-tolerance policy left at least ten people dead in a Urumqi fire in Xingjiang, as residents of the vulnerable house were locked in their apartments and died when they could not get out, according to reports circulating. Those responsible, however, deny the accusations and say that there were no obstacles in the building and that the residents could leave it. China is the only country in the world that still has a rigid “zero covid” line, where all cases of infection lead to strict lockdowns. The protests against this have been bubbling for some time, but that they blossom in this way even in the largest and most important cities of Beijing and Shanghai is seen as remarkable. See images from the protests in the player above.
