This week’s Värmland news: Wetlands, the E45 and a change of clothes on Black Friday

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• Despite generous contributions, few Värmlanders want to restore old wetlands

The County Administrative Board has received money over. The idea is that they will go to rewetting land that was previously dug up, but few landowners in Värmland have taken advantage of the support. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency believes that wetlands have positive effects on the environment and climate.

• The E45 is expanded – then Tore may be forced to move

After 53 years in the villa just outside Säffle, Tore Olsson, 78, may have to move. The plan to expand the E45 between Säffle and Valnäs means that he can no longer live there. The Swedish Transport Administration says they are trying to reduce the impact on residents in the area as much as possible.

• Instead of Black Friday: change of clothes day at the university

The climate students at Karlstad University organized a clothing exchange day as a counterbalance to the big sale day Black Friday.

– I think that in 2022 we should start putting value on our stuff, rather than just consuming like crazy, says climate student Julia Bergman.
