Transparency International Italy signs the OECD’s “Zero Corruption” Manifesto

Transparency International Italy signs the OECDs Zero Corruption Manifesto

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Zero tolerance for corruption so much so as to formally propose to the UN a new goal, the eighteenth, to be included among the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda: the ZerØ Corruption Manifesto, promoted by the OECD Business Anti-Corruption Committee and just launched in Paris at the OECD headquarters, was signed today at Milan from Transparency International Italyat the opening of the BIF National Event 2022. The fight against corruption – explains the note – is to be considered a basic condition to ensure the achievement of all 17 development goals and offer the next generations a truly sustainable future.

Companies committed to transparency and correctness suffer a double damage from those who do not respect the rules: unfair competition and the loss of reputation and credibility of all economic operators. To give a voice to companies engaged in the fight against corruption, since 2015 Transparency International Italia has brought together in the Business Integrity Forum (BIF) some of the most important Italian and foreign companies particular attention and commitment to transparency, integrity and anti-corruption activities.

The BIF National Event is the most important annual appointment of the BIF working group and brings companies and civil society into dialogue on the issues of integrity and transparency. The 2022 edition, staged at the Unicredit headquarters in Milan, entitled: Is anti-corruption at the heart of the country’s agenda? is the first real comparison on the level of attention to anti-corruption in Italy after the inauguration of the new Parliament, to which Transparency Italia asked, last September, for particular attention with the Seven points for transparency and integrity on the political agenda.

“With Zero Corruption the convergence between the fight against corruption and the objectives of Sustainable Development finally becomes explicit. There can be no true sustainability without transparency.” – he has declared Iole Anna Savini, President of Transparency International Italy – “For this reason we adhere to the proposal of the OECD Business Anti-Corruption Committee to promote and encourage responsible behavior by companies, gathered in our Business Integrity Forum to give their testimony of concrete commitment.”

“There is a global issue that we must address to ensure a fair and sustainable future for the next generations. Corruption is the highest form of inequality for our children and it is in this that we must safeguard key resources such as health, education, social welfare and environmental protection. We must have the courage to admit that it is possible to eliminate corruption and, at the same time, have the intellectual honesty to include the fight against it among the Sustainable Development Goals” he commented Nicholas Allocca Director of Risk, Compliance & Quality of Autostrade per l’Italia and Chairman of the Business Anti-Corruption Committee at the OECD. “To turn this commitment into action, it is necessary to identify specific guidelines in the compliance area in the industrial plans that enable the achievement of corporate objectives. In other words, you need to start measuring the compliance footprint of your transformation plans in order to consider the models of Risk, Compliance, Quality, Anti-fraud, Business Continuity, Privacy… as key elements of the business, to be evaluated like the other plan objectives”.
