rare moment of unity in the National Assembly around abortion

rare moment of unity in the National Assembly around abortion

The deputies succeeded Thursday, November 24 to overcome the partisan divisions by adopting a bill which makes it possible to register the voluntary interruption of pregnancy (IVG) in the Constitution. La France insoumise, which had taken advantage of its parliamentary niche to examine this text, and Renaissance in particular put away their weapons for a few hours to advance the cause of women.

It is a parliamentary niche that will be remembered at La France insoumise. The president of the group Mathilde Panot was not mistaken when she greeted a ” historical signal “, a few minutes after the vote in favor of the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution by a large majority of deputies from all the benches of the Hemicycle, from the left to the far right.

Marine Le Pen was not there, but 39 deputies from the RN group said yes to this progress, which could take place because a compromise was found on the writing of the text, in particular with the majority.

The majority who also had a bill on the subject in their pocket. Aurore Bergé, who wore it, even returned from her maternity leave to announce in the Hemicycle that she was withdrawing her text. An opportunity to stage the desire for openness and the sense of the general interest of the majority and the government around this symbolic subject.

From a question a priori very divisive – abortion –, the deputies wanted to make an exemplary vote from which each camp hopes to derive political benefit in the eyes of the French.

►To re-read: France: the RN turns around and says it is for the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution
