Ubisoft games return to Steam platform

Ubisoft games return to Steam platform

Ubisoft is returning from the decision it made four years ago. Ubisoft games, especially Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, are returning to Steam.

For a while, we saw that big game companies started to leave the Steam platform gradually with the release of their own applications. However, in this process, many companies turned back from this decision and started to sell their games both on Steam and on their own applications. Here, the company Ubisoft, which removed its games from the Steam platform four years ago, joined the companies that returned from this decision.

Ubisoft games are returning to Steam

Ubisoft has announced that its games will return to Steam as of next month. There has already been some news that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will come to Steam before. Today, it has been announced that the company’s popular games such as Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Anno 1800 and Roller Champions will be available on the Steam platform as of December 6, 2022.

In a statement from the company, “We are constantly evaluating how we can deliver our games to different audiences, while ensuring a consistent player ecosystem through Ubisoft Connect. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Anno 1800 and Roller Champions are among the Ubisoft games to be released on Steam.” statements were included.

Of course, we can think that more Ubisoft games will be on Steam in the future. However, there are currently no other games confirmed apart from the three games mentioned above.
