Why did Hugo Lloris not want to wear the “One Love” armband?

Why did Hugo Lloris not want to wear the One

Captain of the France team, Hugo Lloris again explained at a press conference why he would not wear the armband.

The controversy could have been greater. In a press conference, even before the decision of several Federations to abandon the rainbow captain’s armband in support of the LGBT community, Hugo Lloris had explained that he would not wear this armband for the Cup matches. world. The captain of the Blues prefers to “bend to the rules” of the host country of the 2022 World Cup.

“FIFA organizes the competition and defines a framework, rules. We players are asked to play football, to represent our countries as well as possible in sport. I prefer to stay within my framework, that of player and competitor, but indeed, there are different causes which are laudable, which must be supported. Afterwards, as I said, FIFA decides on the organization “

Finally, as explained above, this decision will not really have any impact on public opinion because this armband has been banned under penalty of sporting sanctions such as a yellow card. “Fifa has been very clear, they will impose sporting sanctions if our captains wear the armbands on the pitch. As national federations, we cannot ask our players to risk sporting sanctions, including yellow cards” explains the press release from the European Federations.
