Magdalena Graaf is celebrated after the honest post on Instagram: “The clown cries”

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It was during the summer of 2022 that Magdalena Graaf47, was in an interview where she opened up about her and her boyfriend Louie Martis passionate but sometimes stormy relationship.

Magdalena and Louie. Image source: Stella Pictures

Magdalena said that the couple broke up several times but that they always find their way back to each other.

“Dumping him 3 times a week. Furious and determined. NEVER again. Yet he wins my heart back every time. My big passionate black-musked, grumpy OCD love,” she wrote in a post showcasing the interview.

Periodically, Louie has shown his absence on Magdalena’s social media, but the followers have then been able to connect it to a small short twitch on the thread.

But now there seems to be a new owl in the swamp.

Magdalena Graaf: “Even the clown cries”

Louie hasn’t been seen on Magdalena’s social media for a very long time and it doesn’t look like the profiles are following each other on Instagram anymore. This has caused the followers to start speculating. And the speculation wasn’t exactly lessened by Maggan’s latest post in which she wrote down things she was grateful for – but Louie’s name was nowhere to be found.

“I feel enormous gratitude to be relatively healthy, my 5 loving children. Food, clothing and shelter. A handful of true friends and a large family. Not everyone has these riches. So many are sick and are alone I think we judge, shame and pick on each other too much in life.

We should NOT skimp on a hug, a helping hand or a kind deed. Take better care of each other. Show love and appreciation The grass is not greener on the other side. Even the clown cries when the headlights are turned off,” she writes.
