Fast charging station agreement between Eşarj and Kadoil

Fast charging station agreement between Esarj and Kadoil

The latest collaboration for electric car charging stations, the number of which is increasing rapidly, was realized between Eşarj and Kadoil.

The charging stations, which are expected to increase rapidly with the Trugo step and plans of the domestic automobile startup Togg, bring together other important players in the market. Eşarj, which is one of the comprehensive suppliers on this side, continues its cooperation in order to spread the use of electric vehicles in Turkey and to encourage fast charging station investment. Eşarj will expand its service network by signing a cooperation agreement with Kadoil, which offers fuel and LPG to its customers with more than 600 dealers in every corner of Turkey. Within the scope of the agreement, it was announced that it is aimed to reach 100 stations in 50 provinces.


Eşarj – Kadoil stations will support fast charging

All stations to be established in cooperation with Eşarj and Kadoil will provide high-speed service to their customers. Thanks to the cooperation, electric vehicles will be able to charge their batteries to 80 percent in 30 minutes with high-speed chargers. Thanks to the high-performance charging network that will be accessible to all electric vehicle owners with this partnership, Eşarj and Kadoil customers will be able to continue their journeys without worrying about batteries.

Speaking about the process, Eşarj Chairman of the Board and Enerjisa Enerji CEO Murat Pınar; “As Eşarj, Turkey’s first electric vehicle charging station network, we have responsibilities towards our country and our people. It is very important for us to ensure that our customers prefer to use electric vehicles without any hesitation and to stand by them for an uninterrupted and comfortable journey. At this point, we attach importance to cooperation with every stakeholder who wants to be included in the electric vehicle ecosystem. We are very pleased to sign this cooperation with Kadoil, which we see as a pioneering and inclusive company in this direction.” he stated.


Kadoil Chairman of the Board Nergiz Kadooğlu Çifçi on the cooperation between Eşarj and Kadoil;A great change is happening in the world. New mobility and electrification are now on their way to becoming a part of our lives. The establishment of a widespread charging station infrastructure is a must for this change. As Kadoil, we believe that fuel stations will be preferred for charging station infrastructure, in order to adapt to this new future and to take into account the existing investments. While we are designing the future, our sector, which has the infrastructure that we have built for fuel-powered vehicles and invested billions of dollars in the last 100 years, and employs more than 150,000 employees, will come to the fore. In this context, we are very happy to cooperate with Eşarj, one of the fastest growing and most valuable brands in the industry. With the spread of this project, we will continue to serve all our guests with electric vehicles under the assurance of Kadoil. I wish this cooperation to be beneficial for both companies, our dealers and our country.” he declared.


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