a beer for the mood please

a beer for the mood please

Every evening, fans line up in the Fifa fan zone for a sip of beer. The organizers finally decided not to sell beers around the stadiums.

From our Special Envoy in Doha,

On the eve of the opening match between Qatar and Ecuador, the Fifa fan zone opened its doors. Since then, the Budweiser stands in Doha’s Al Bidda Park have been taken over. There is a queue to be served at 7 p.m. The organizers had finally decided not to sell beers around the stadiums, but only in the fan zones. The only place where the sip of beer is possible outside of the big hotels and chic places.

► To listen too [PODCAST] World Cup 2022: Are the criticisms against Qatar all justified?

Far from the atmosphere of the World Cup in Brazil and Russia

Football is enjoyed with a beer “says a Mexican who came with his wife and brother. All three are the first in this line that forms before the opening of the sale. ” Frankly, we are far from the atmosphere of the World Cup in Brazil and Russia he says. His wife pouted in front of the red tents of the American brewer.

Crossed a little later, all three had found the smile. They admit to accepting the restrictions imposed by the authorities of Qatar, a conservative Muslim emirate. ” The World Cup is believed to belong to the Westreports an Argentinian fan. You have to agree to find yourself somewhere else. I know that this World Cup in an Arab country can destabilize. My daughter who wears miniskirts in Buenos Aires didn’t want to come. »

Destabilized… and resourceful supporters

Next door, a group of Mexicans share a first round, with four beers each. A Frenchman who lives in Doha watches the show with an amused air. ” I was a little unsettled when I moved here, but today I’m used to this culture “, he admits. ” It’s true, we don’t want to shock the people who live here, so it’s hard to know how to behave “Explains an Argentinian who is living his seventh World Cup. ” I think they have no idea what the atmosphere of a real World Cup is “, he adds.

Read also : World Cup 2022: seven teams give up wearing an armband against discrimination
