The application has come into effect: they will only work 4 days a week, they will receive the same salary!

The application has come into effect they will only work

The practice, which allows employees in Belgium to work 4 days a week instead of 5, started today.

The regulation, which was enacted after the parties forming the coalition government reached an agreement on reform in working life in June, entered into force today.


With the arrangement, employees will be able to request from the employer for the opportunity to work for 4 days. If the employee wishes and agrees with the employer, he will be able to complete the 38-hour weekly working period in 4 days instead of 5 days.

Those who can take advantage of this opportunity will be able to take 3 days of weekend leave or use their extra 1-day leave during the week. This opportunity can continue for 6 months as a result of an agreement with the employer. The agreement can be continued by mutual agreement at the end of 6 months.


Employers have the right to refuse such a request. However, the refusal is required to be based on a justified reason.

Some organizations criticize the practice and draw attention to the drawbacks of concentrating the workload on 4 days instead of 5 days in terms of workplaces. In addition, it is stated that employees can spend a long time outside the home together with the time spent on their way home after working long hours, which can have negative effects. (AA)
