Sace together with Crédit Agricole Italia for the sustainable growth of Vamas in the world

Sace Latini An uphill restart of the Italian economy

(Finance) – As part of the commitment to support the investments of companies in research and development and of the objectives related to PNRR, Credit Agricole Italy has provided a loan of 3.5 million euros secured by SACE in favor of Vamasintended to support the sustainable international growth plans of the Tuscan company, leader in the production of soles in the Leather District and a point of reference for the major sneaker manufacturers in the sector Luxury.

The financing in fact, it will support the internationalization process that the Company intends to develop through the construction of commercial partnerships in Europe, research and development for the experimentation and implementation of an innovative production system with 3D printing technologies and industrial investments to enhance and renewal of the production structure.

L’operation provides for a reduction of pricing on the basis of Vamas’ compliance with two sustainable initiatives: employee involvement in training activities and ongoing support for third sector initiatives, where the company is already actively engaged in favor of the Meyer Children’s Hospital in Florence. At the same time, Vamas undertook to allocate the expected economic benefit to some initiatives of crowdforlifethe crowdfunding platform of Crédit Agricole Italia, designed to facilitate non-profit organizations and associations in the promotion of their projects, contributing to the realization of the same through the collection of online donations throughout the national territory.

“With this operation, Crédit Agricole Italia confirms the central role of sustainability in its business model, together with the fundamental link with the territories and the Italian production fabric” – he declares Mark Perocchi, Head of the Corporate Banking Department of Crédit Agricole Italia. “The agreement concluded with Vamas, with whom we share an approach and values, summarizes our strategy, made up of customer centrality, excellent relationships and strong attention to social and ethical issues”.

“The agreement stipulated with Credit Agricole represents for Vamas an important and precious contribution to our growth strategy through the realization of investments in technological innovation, sustainability, training and in interventions for the qualification and expansion of production sites”, – he declares Ivan Vagnoli CEO of Vamas. “Thanks to the financial support granted to us, it will be possible to continue to establish our presence in the area, supporting the growth of companies belonging to our production chain. It will be a source of pride for us to be able to actively participate in the Crowdforlife platform, giving our contribution to important ethical and social projects”.

“We are proud to be together once again with a banking partner like Credit Agricole alongside a Made in Italy excellence like Vamas” – he declared Mario BruniSACE Corporate MID Manager – “Investments in technology, research and development and the construction of new partnerships are fundamental levers of competitiveness, and as SACE we are pleased to contribute to the growth of this great company in Italy and in the world, which will bring with it important benefits for the supply chain and the territory in which Vamas operates.”
