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According to a new report, it pays to study further at university after having entered the qualification at komvux. And it can become even more profitable with the new transition support.
In a new report from Studieförbundet Näringsliv och Samhälle (SNS), Linn Karlsson, PhD in national economics and analyst at the Agency for Growth, has investigated how salary and employment are affected by studying at university after having read the eligibility for komvux.
– There are relatively big differences compared to having studied at the university after Komvux, she says.
The people who went on to university had, on average, almost 75,000 kroner more in annual salary than those who went from middle school to working life. Employment is also higher among those who studied at university.
– Another interesting thing is that there was not a particularly big difference between younger and older students, so one interpretation could be that it pays equally for both groups.
The report points out that it is profitable for both the individual and society that people have the opportunity to study at komvux and university. Linn Karlsson believes that the new transition study support that was introduced in October can make it even more profitable.
– Those I studied did not have any transition study support, but had no income during the years of study. If you reduce the thresholds and have no loss of income, it also means that they can get a return on education faster than the people in the report.
In order for the investments to be as effective as possible, coordination is required between employers and those who organize the training. The range of education should be adapted to the needs of the labor market, points out Karlsson.
Com grown up
Komvux is an abbreviation of municipal adult education, an activity that started in 1968.
Today, most municipalities and regions carry out teaching activities for adults. Komvux offers adult competence-oriented education at primary and secondary school level. The courses can be taken separately or combined to form entire courses.
The target group for komvux are adults who need to learn Swedish or supplement previous education in order to change their situation in working life or qualify for higher studies at university level.
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