Extra profits, Deputy Minister Leo: it could even rise above 33%

MEF a new 5 year BTP will be offered in the

(Finance) – The Deputy Minister of Economy, Mauritius Leostated that the extra profit tax it could even rise above 33%. “We know that the measure that applies today is 25% – he said during an interview with Sky TG24 Economia – however the regulation European speaks of a measure of 33% and therefore in my view we can settle on that. Or go a little further because the same regulation actually speaks of a measure of no less than 33%”.

However, that on extra profits is not the only source on which the government relies to finance interventions on the energy cost for families and businesses. “We hope that the price of bills and the cost of energy will somehow fall and the international scenario will be defined in the first 3 months of 2023. But where it is not defined, other resources can be intercepted”, explained the deputy minister. “There are funds structural 2014-2020 not used by Italy – added Leo – and on these funds (about 5-7 billion) the possibility of using them could be obtained from the European Union”.

As for the flat taxthe Deputy Minister of the Economy defined the threshold as “probable”. 85 thousand euros indicated by various forces of the majority for its revision. Leo then explained that even with the introduction of the flat tax the progressiveness of the tax would be safeguarded thanks to the mechanism of deductions/deductions. As for criticisms that the flat tax would benefit the rich, the Deputy Minister said that “the real rich they especially have capital income on which a flat tax of 26% is already applied”.

Finally, indications have also arrived for i taxpayers called to pay the last installment of the scrapping ter. “We want to give serenity to those who have to pay the last installment of the scrap ter. On November 30, taxpayers who have not made the 2022 payments should pay everything in a single solution, but I think that these situations too can be resolved”, declared the deputy minister who then added that the operations being studied by the government in view of the next budget law, “are not amnesties. We define it truce tax because the tax must be paid but the penalties will have to be reduced”.
