Louis Boyard begins a showdown with Cyril Hanouna… Towards a boycott of TPMP?

Louis Boyard begins a showdown with Cyril Hanouna Towards a

BOYARD. The elected LFI filed a complaint against Cyril Hanouna after a heated exchange on the TPMP set and the host counterattacked by denouncing defamation. After his complaint, will Louis Boyard boycott the C8 broadcast?

[Mis à jour le 15 novembre 2022 à 8h40] Louis Boyard has announced that he is filing a complaint against Cyril Hanouna and in response the star host of C8 attacked the elected LFI of Val-de-Marne for defamation. It is therefore a legal standoff that began on Monday, November 14, a few days after the eventful passage of the youngest of the National Assembly on the set of Don’t touch my post (TPMP) November 10. Coming to discuss the fate of the Ocean Viking and the more than 200 migrants on board, Louis Boyard furtively criticized the actions of Vincent Bolloré, boss of Canal + and therefore of Cyril Hanouna. Immediate and virulent response from the host who lost himself in a flood of insults successively treating the rebellious as “shit”, “moron”, “buffoon”, “cob” and launching other invectives such as “I I don’t give a damn whether you’re a deputy” or “you do your job thanks to me”.

Louis Boyard does not intend to stop there and in addition to having filed a complaint, the elected official and his political party have announced that they have seized Arcom, the audiovisual communication policeman. Seizures made by “having a thought for the millions of people who have been insulted (…) each time TPMP has invited the far right and made racist and Islamophobic remarks on their broadcasts”, specified the 22-year-old MP. But this altercation raises another question: will Louis Boyard and LFI boycott the TPMP program? The answer is more difficult than it seems, but the chosen one did not take the risk of closing a door and depriving himself of a program which affects millions of viewers. “On the left, it’s in our DNA to go to places that are not necessarily easy to try to convince. (…) Our DNA is to stand up. So because billionaires have stolen the democratic space from the people, should we decide not to go there anymore? We are not going to bed, “said the deputy during a press conference on November 14, launching a new spade at the boss of Canal +.

Attacked, Cyril Hanouna retorted by announcing on the set of C8 still on November 14 “to take measures” by filing a complaint in turn for “all the defamation that [Louis Boyard] had towards us”. Before leaving the show on November 10, Louis Boyard accused the host of “raising racism”, of having “made money on [Eric] Zemmour” and “danced on the Lola affair”. Far from the host the idea of ​​apologizing and as a mea culpa the face of TPMP was content to “regret” the insults uttered because “it does not is not a good example”.

According to a circular dating from September 2020, the Ministry of Justice asked prosecutors to consider insults against elected officials as “contempt of a person holding public authority or charged with a public service mission”. According to the second paragraph of article 433-5 of the penal code, this type of contempt can be “punished by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros”.

Will Louis Boyard and LFI boycott TPMP?

The scene must have made the LFI deputies want to sit at the table of Cyril Hanouna’s columnists, but will the left-wing party refuse to return to the C8 show? The question divides. And for good reason between the principles to be defended and the visibility the balance is difficult. “There is a tension between the principles of not endorsing programs where there is a climate conducive to the trivialization of the far right and the pragmatism of not disappearing from channels that are aimed at millions of viewers”, explained the deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis Clémentine Autain to Release November 12. LFI should therefore “have a discussion on this subject” but it goes without saying “that there will be few volunteers to go to Hanouna” according to the elected official.

If several deputies including Manuel Bompard or Mathilde Panot condemned the behavior of the host of C8 and supported their colleague Louis Boyard, others like Jean-Luc Mélenchon or Alexis Corbière remained discreet. Close to these two elected officials, the facilitator sees in their silence the expression of a certain “loyalty”. Monday evening, during the meeting to launch the campaign against the high cost of living in Clermont-Ferrand, the rebellious leader was even indulgent towards Cyril Hanouna acknowledging his outspokenness: “I’m not going to throw stones at him like everyone. He’s just open-faced. He doesn’t have other people’s good manners. He doesn’t know how to twist words in poison and lace.”

Thursday November 10, 2022, a violent altercation took place on the set of the program Touche Pas à Mon Poste. Nupes deputy Louis Boyard then took part in a debate on the migrant boat seeking to find a point of arrival, as part of the Quarter of an hour without filter. Very quickly, the tone rose between the elected representative on the left and Cyril Hanouna when Louis Boyard implicitly mentioned the activities of the company Socapalm, of which Vincent Bolloré is the shareholder, which produces palm oil in Cameroon: ” The five richest people are the same ones who impoverish France and Africa. And I will give you the example of Bolloré who deforested Cameroon.” This sentence made the host react: “Do you know that you are in the Canal group here?” However, the latter assures him, in the process: “You have all the rights here, we have never cut anyone, we are live.”

From that moment, there is no more debate. The discussion turns to a settling of accounts, live … Invoking his function as a deputy, Louis Boyard is snatched by the host: “Come down three floors Louis Boyard, you’re a deputy but you were a columnist here so calm down.” The deputy then says: “You’re an irresponsible Cyril.” The tone continues to rise between the two men. Cyril Hanouna notably treated the chosen one as a “moron”, a “fucker” and a “jester”. Louis Boyard ends up leaving the show under the boos of the audience of the show.

Louis Boyard was very quickly caught up in political life. Indeed, the 22-year-old deputy began by joining the former UNL student union at the age of 17, which had the fight for “equal opportunities”. In 2019, it was on Twitter that he made himself known by attacking the former Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, on the sidelines of a demonstration of yellow vests. The trade unionist had accused the police of having “broken” his foot following a shot from LBD (Launcher of defense bullets, editor’s note)”. He had therefore received the support of Jean-Luc Mélenchon .

In September 2022, the young man indicated that he was putting aside his university career to devote himself to his mandate as a deputy, as reported by the media. 20 minutes. Indeed, the bar will pass after the benches of the hemicycle because Louis Boyard is LFI deputy for Val-de-Marne, he who had obtained 51.98% of the votes cast during the second round in June 2022.

Louis Boyard is no stranger to the regulars of the Touche Pas program at my post. Indeed, regular viewers were able to see it on their small screen around the table of Cyril Hanouna. However, the deputy, particularly busy with his commitment to La France insoumise, as the legislative elections approached. Louis Boyard notably marked his participation in the show with a shock announcement from its premiere on the set of TPMP: he would have sold drugs to pay for his studies.

Previously, the young deputy was a columnist on the Grandes Gueules program. He had undertaken to return for the 2021-2022 season, before announcing, a few days before the start of the new season, that he would not be part of it, as Olivier Truchot told RMC: ” We were able to measure that Louis Boyard was not the most loyal man in the world since he had to do last season with us, we had put his name in the press kit, told the journalist on Friday. from the press conference, he had called us to tell us that he was going to Hanouna and that he was leaving us.
