Continued problems despite 125 wild boars being shot in Fagersta – a new charge could be the solution

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Fagersta municipality has given the responsible hunting team 30,000 kroner to buy and set up the new range, just outside the settlement. That sum will be enough to buy the corn that you load the horse with and that will attract the wild boar.

– It should attract them here so that we can try to access them, says Winnfried Preuss.

Many pigs shot

The hunting laws in Fagersta have not been on the lazy side when it comes to hunting wild boar. The problems persist despite many pigs being shot.

– Last hunting season, together with the neighboring hunting team, we shot 125 wild boars, so we try to keep up, says Winnfried Preuss.

In the clip, you see the new bait that will attract the wild boar.
