Advanced air mobility: agreement signed between Enel X Way and UrbanV

Advanced air mobility agreement signed between Enel X Way and

(Finance) – Develop new solutions for the advanced air mobility sector by expanding the scope of its business. Enel X Waythe Enel company dedicated to mobility, has signed a memorandum of understanding with UrbanV, company specialized in Advanced Air Mobility, to leverage their respective skills in order to develop synergies on joint projects at a global level, studying energy solutions for UrbanV vertiport that allow eVTOLs, electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft to be recharged in a sustainable way.

The projects will concern the study and implementation of Enel X Way electrical infrastructures integrated with storage systems in the vertiports, hubs dedicated to eVTOLs, the definition of specific use cases and a customer experience to be adapted to the needs of different markets.

“With the signing of this memorandum of understanding we become the first company in Italy to provide integrated charging solutions to the world of vertical take-off electric aviation, reaching a very important milestone after that of electric boating, which allows us to explore an area new to the development of sustainable mobility – he declared Lorenzo Rambaldi, Head of Innovability at Enel X Way -. Advanced air mobility is a highly innovative and rapidly expanding sector, both in Italy and globally and supporting its growth represents an opportunity for Enel X Way to strengthen its commitment to the development of advanced charging technologies to power the various types of electric vehicles “.

“With this agreement – he commented Carlo Tursi, managing director of UrbanV – we are starting a collaboration with a partner of absolute excellence at an international level, which demonstrates the will of two companies with a great drive towards the future to create a system to identify innovative, sustainable and truly effective solutions in this new mobility ecosystem. UrbanV is establishing itself as one of the leading global companies in the Advanced Air Mobility sector, working to position Rome as one of the first cities in the world capable of offering direct connections with electric aircraft. We are already working on vertical networks in other regions in Europe (e.g. Venice, Bologna, the French Riviera) and around the world, to accelerate the transition to a mobility that helps not only reduce CO2 emissions but also pollution. acoustic “.

The agreement – reads the note – will allow the creation of fast, completely green and large-scale public transport and will lead to the implementation of integrated charging solutions for Enel X Way, innovative and sustainable, in the UrbanV vertiports starting from Rome and Fiumicino. THE electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft they only use electric energy to travel through the use of electric motors and batteries which represent the winning choice to respond to the growing attention and demand for this sector of electric mobility globally, both for their sustainability and for the convenience of travel , as an alternative to road vehicles.

Compared to helicopters, eVTOLs have a 35% lower operating cost according to industry estimates and could become an economic and sustainable alternative to road transport, especially in heavily trafficked cities. A reality that is already taking hold in Italy, where UrbanV recently inaugurated the first test vertiport at Fiumicino airport, allowing the first flight of an eVTOL with pilot. Soon everyone will be able to live the experience of going to a vertiport and embarking on an eVTOL and Enel X Way will provide the technological infrastructure that will allow the management of the vertiports and the recharging of these flying taxis. After an initial test phase, the service will be operational as early as 2024, allowing passengers to make rapid and emission-free flights in urban contexts.
