Pensions, incentives are being studied for those who postpone leaving

Pensions the reform is a battleground in the electoral campaign

(Finance) – Windows for early exit, for example at 62 or 63, with an appropriate minimum number of years of contributions, but also incentives for those who decide to stay with an increase in their paycheck that could be as much as 10% . According to Corriere della Sera, these would be the pillars ofhypothesis of pension reform on the Treasury table.

“A worker who has accrued the requirements – explains the newspaper – could choose to stay on the basis of very specific incentives: if he continues to work, the employee and the employer stop paying contributions and a part of those sums would enter the paycheck as net salary increase (for example, about 10%) “. The company could, thus, enjoy a drop in gross labor costs, the employee of a higher paycheck. Retirement would take place on the basis of the contributions accumulated up to now the worker has chosen this option, not counting the seniority of the last few years of incentivized work.

Under this system, retire before the age of 67 on the other hand, it would entail a penalty with respect to the totality of the expected check.

“In January we will not fully return to the Fornero law. We will have a Quota 41 with 61 or 62 years for 2023 alone, as a bridge measure towards the organic reform that we will carry out next year. We will spend less than 1 billion to facilitate 40-50 thousand workers . We were also thinking of a bonus for those who remain to work, but budgetary prudence leads us to give up – underlines Claudio Durigon, under-secretary of the League for Labor in an interview with Repubblica -. In maneuver we will put a formula that avoids the January staircase for a group of workers. Quota 41 will be there and this is important: we are studying it in detail with the Minister of Labor. Ape Sociale and Option Woman will be extended for another year because we are in a transitory phase. And because then our reform of the pensions: there we will renovate everything there “.

On cutting the tax wedge – he continues Durigon – “We want to get to five points less in the five-year period. For now let’s think about the two points. But we have not decided whether to stop at 35 thousand euros of workers’ income, as Draghi did, or to go higher. And let’s consider whether to give part of the savings, to the extent of a third, also for businesses. It depends on the resources available and the impact on workers: it must not be negligible. The priority remains in any case the bills “.
