Wally standing tall on his first birthday thanks to new prosthetic legs

Wally standing tall on his first birthday thanks to new

There’s another social media star in the making at Charlotte’s Freedom Farm and he’s standing tall these days.

Wally, a one-year-old husky-lab mix born with deformed front legs, celebrated his first birthday at the animal sanctuary on Saturday, located near Dresden, with a Super Mario-themed party.

Although, he received a lot of toys and goodies, including a birthday cake, Wally’s big present came earlier when he was recently fitted with new custom-fitted prosthetic legs.

Lauren Edwards, who owns and operates the sanctuary, said Wally was rescued from northern Canada by an animal rescue in Quebec. She said the organization contacted Charlotte’s Freedom Farm back in January, because they knew Winnie, another dog with deformed front legs, was living there.

You see, Winnie is quite well known with more than 70,000 followers on Instagram – @winnie_the_roo. Edwards said Wally is also a rising star with 21,000 followers on Instagram – @wallywallabysworld.

She said Winnie and Wally quickly became best friends.

“They are pretty inseparable,” Edwards said, adding Winnie has already stolen a few of Wally’s birthday toys.

Wally, a husky/lab mix, is seen here all decked out with his new prothetic legs and his Super Mario outfit that matched the theme of his first birthday party Saturday, held at Charlotte's Freedom Farm.  (PHOTO Handout)
Wally, a husky/lab mix, is seen here all decked out with his new prothetic legs and his Super Mario outfit that matched the theme of his first birthday party Saturday, held at Charlotte’s Freedom Farm. (PHOTO Handout) jpg, CD

While Winnie uses a wheelchair, Edwards said Wally is “unique because he’s a candidate for prosthetic legs.”

However, she noted it took time to get Wally into his permanent prosthetics that feature a dinosaur print design and all the componentry to last for years.

Edwards said while Wally was growing, he moved up from some temporary prosthetics, including his first pair that was just one-inch off the ground and another that pair that was four-inches high.

“These are full length so he’s still getting used to them,” Edwards said, adding Wally wears them about three or four times daily for a short period of time.

She said fundraising has been key, because the prosthetics and wheelchairs are all custom made.

Edwards said the devices have all come from PawsAbility near Wasaga Beach north of Toronto.

Overall, Charlotte’s Freedom Farm is coming off a great summer.

Edwards said there was a lot of visiting days at the farm that attracted many new people.

She said Charlotte’s Freedom Farm will have a float in the Chatham Santa Claus Parade on Friday night, adding Winnie will be there in his remote-controlled car.

More information about the animal sanctuary can be found online at www.charlottesfreedomfarm.ca.

Edwards said there is now also Charlotte’s Freedom Farm merchandise for sale with details online.

“A 100 per cent of the proceeds go back to supporting the animals,” she said


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