Farmacosmo buys the majority of Farmacia De Leo and enters physical pharmacies

Pharmacosm revenues up 20 in Q1 Off to buyback

(Finance) – Pharmacosma company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and active in the Health, Pharma & Beauty sector, ha completed the acquisition of 67% of Farmacia De Leoowner of the Pharmacy De Leo in Messina and the e-commerce portal Pharmasi, founded in 2010 and among the historical operators in Italy in the online market for the Health, Pharma & Beauty sector with more than 16 thousand references in its catalog.

Pharmacy De Leo registered in 2021 revenues for approximately 5.2 million euros, of which 3.1 million euros attributable to Pharmasi, and for over 2.1 million euros to the physical point. The relative EBITDA was equal to approximately 0.3 million euros, with a Net Financial Position at the end of the year (cash positive) of approximately 0.2 million euros.

The path of growth through external lines continues of Farmacosmo which, consistently with what is represented in the IPO phase, enters the world of physical pharmacies, with the aim of creating tools enabling the evolution in Q-commerce as well as a multi-channel offer “, commented theAD Fabio de Concilio.

“The availability for the Farmacosmo group of logistics companies now also present in Sicily will also allow for speed up the delivery of all group orders immediatelyreducing shipping times by one day and allowing immediate cost synergies – he added – In addition to the aforementioned logistics, we will be strong in a physical point that expresses a high margin, around 20% of EBITDA “.

The corresponding it was paid partly in cash, for a portion equal to 1.03 million and for 0.2 million in Farmacosmo shares valued at 2.28 each. The total amount paid today was 1.43 million (of which 0.2 million deposited in an escrow account to guarantee any indemnity), while 1.18 million will be paid once the parties have jointly determined the value of the net financial position at the date of execution.

The sale provides mutual buy and sell options aimed at purchasing the residual share capital of the De Leo Pharmacy.
