Ecuador president Guillermo Lasso absent for Qatar opener


Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso announced on Wednesday (November 9th) that he would not attend the opening match of the World Cup in Qatar, where Ecuador will face the Qatari team, due to the wave of violence that hit his country. country. ” I thanked the Emir of Qatar for his invitation to attend the inaugural match between our two teams, however I decided not to attend. Taking care of the security of the country is my priority Guillermo Lasso wrote on Twitter. The opening match between Ecuador and Qatar will be played on Sunday, November 20. Ecuadorian Vice-President Alfredo Borrero will represent his country there, an official source said. Ecuador is going through a serious security crisis linked to drug traffickers, perpetrators last week of several shootings and car bomb attacks against gas stations and police stations. These criminal groups are acting in retaliation for the transfer of 2,400 detainees, while the prison system is on the verge of implosion due to violence between cartels within the prisons themselves.
