Budget Law, confirmations from the League: flat tax threshold raised to at least 85 thousand euros

Budget Law confirmations from the League flat tax threshold raised

(Finance) – There will also be the reform of the flat tax in the next Budget Law. Confirmation also came from the League’s undersecretary for the economy Federico Brakes. “In the new budget law it will finally be demonstrated that the flat tax was not a slogan but a structured program that can be done in 5 years”, he declared to the microphones of 24 Mattino on Radio 24. “Let’s start absolutely with autonomous and VAT numbers, let’s start by raising the threshold from 65 to 100 thousand euros, maybe a little less, we could make 85/90 thousand, it will also depend on some variables macroeconomic a little less dependent on us, but certainly yes, certainly in the budget law we will find the passage from 65 thousand to at least 85 thousand “.

Meanwhile, the leader of the League, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure Matteo Salvini he said that “within 10 days there will be the budget maneuver in Parliament. Ten days and there will be the start of all large economic projects on which the Lega and the center-right have committed themselves. The stop of Fornero and the start of quota 41, the raising of the flat tax ceiling which today is at 65 thousand euros (we are studying the two options at 85 and 100 thousand euros), the fiscal peace with the scrapping of millions of tax bills , the revision of the Citizenship Income, limiting abuses and can no longer be for life “.

Among the measures, the wedge cut, which “certainly is one of the priorities”, but “it is being evaluated with a premise, that the main objective of everything is the energy requirement. So once the energy needs are met, with what remains we will evaluate what to do and how to do” . On how the benefit will go, he added, “Confindustria it tells us that two thirds to the worker and one third to the companies is satisfactory. THE labor unions they tell us the same thing, so the satisfactory setup could be two thirds and one third “.
