The Tanzanian film “The rebels” wins the Golden Tanit at Carthage

The Tanzanian film The rebels wins the Golden Tanit at

The 33ᵉ edition of the Carthage Cinematographic Days dedicated to Arab and African cinema ended on Saturday evening November 5 in Tunis by offering its biggest prize, the Tanit d’or, to a Tanzanian film, “Les révoltés”. This film is the second feature film by young director Amil Shivji, a representative of the current new wave of Tanzanian cinema.

The action of the movie The rebels takes place in Zanzibar, mixing love and war. His style of static camera, his colors and his music seduced the jury, which gave him, in addition to the Tanit d’or, the prize for the best image, while the Critics’ Jury – Fipresci also awarded him his single price.

Director Amil Shivji

My film takes place in 1950 in Zanzibar, it is a love story between a recently married woman, and a young communist from Zanzibar who fights British colonialism, and seeks both to fight for the independence of his country and for his personal independence, trying to find a way to reconcile the two.

Two other films were awarded: under the figs by the Tunisian Erige Sehiri, which deals with romantic relationships during the picking period in a Tunisian village. He got the Silver Tanit.

As for the Bronze Tanit, it was awarded to the Egyptian film Sharaf, by Samir Nasr. This feature film paints a dark picture of Egyptian society through the narrow frame of a prison.
