On the night of June 2 this year, cars burned in several places around Trollhättan. One of the cars that was completely destroyed in the fire belonged to Alex Larsson.
– It’s sad to be left without a car when you haven’t counted on it, says former car owner, Alex Larsson.
In recent years, car fires have become a fairly common feature in the news feed. But it is a difficult crime to solve. Over 2,200 car fires were reported to the police last year. Charges were brought in 21 cases, against one or more perpetrators. That is less than 1 percent of the number of car fires reported to the police. Despite the increasing number of surveillance cameras, this is the lowest figure for several years.
There are several reasons why these types of crimes are difficult to solve.
– The most obvious thing is that the evidence burns up, and fingerprints and DNA disappear in the fire. Another reason is that it takes place at night and the proceedings are rushed, says John Nilsson, chief prosecutor.
In the clip: The chief prosecutor on the difficulty of dealing with car fires.