The Västeråser makes his feature film debut: “Burned all my money”

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

– Finally, I have put in 4,000 hours and now the “child” is born, and yes, now I just have to raise it too, says Henrik Pilerud and laughs.

The film is about a young art student who loses faith in her own abilities and enlists the help of a teacher, who sends her on a journey filled with visions, ones that push the boundaries of both reality and madness. It has elements of fantasy and actors such as Marika Lagercrantz and Nathalie Merchant.

– Some are content with the small, but I am not like that, and the struggle the art student engages in in the film is also in my life, says Henrik Pilerud.

What do you want to prove with this movie?

– Among other things, that it is actually possible to engage in filmmaking or culture in general, even in the engineering city of Västerås.

You got rid of all your money you say, how are you going to get it back?

– The film will be released on a number of streaming services and of course I hope that eventually it will pay off, so that I can make another film.

Well, do you already have new ideas?

– I have a couple of seeds, which will lie and germinate for a while, there are always ideas.

The fantasy characters in the film are, with some exceptions, not animated, but made by, among other things, the filmmaker himself. The environments are not computer products either, the recordings took place all around Mälardalen.

– We have been to several recording locations in Västerås, the harbour, the city hall, Karlsgatan and the museum and also in the rest of the county, such as the fantastic Sala Silvergruva.

The film has already received several awards, at the international film festival Five continents international film festival.
