Increase in pensions: why did I not receive anything?

Increase in pensions why did I not receive anything

RETIREMENT INCREASE 2022. The revaluation of complementary benefits has been effective since November 1, and the payment was made the next day. However, some have still not received anything. We will explain everything to you.

[Mis à jour le 4 novembre 2022 à 10h40] The revaluation of Agirc-Arrco supplementary pensions entered into force on November 1, 2022. From November 2, the payment of this increase was made to the account of all concerned. In other words, each of them saw their supplementary pension increased by 5.12%. If you benefit from a complementary pension of 700 euros, you will therefore earn an additional 35.84 euros, each month, under the revaluation. For its part, the service value of the point goes from 1.2841 euro to 1.3498 euro. Yet some of you still haven’t received anything.

Two explanations may apply. The first concerns your bank’s processing times. Indeed, from one establishment to another, it can vary quite widely. So have no fear. The transfer should arrive in your account at the beginning of next week, before November 10th. Then, it is possible that you simply do not perceive any additional. Agirc-Arrco concerns all employees in the private sector paying pension contributions, regardless of whether they work in commerce, industry, services or agriculture. If you do not contribute to it, you cannot claim the revaluation. Remember that from January 1, 2023, the new increase in basic pensions will take place, by 0.8% after the two successive increases of 1% and 4% in January and July 2022.

The rules for increasing supplementary pensions (Agirc-Arrco, for example) differ from those for basic pensions. These supplementary pensions are calculated from the number of points acquired during the career, to which a value of the point is multiplied. Then, the social partners decide on a possible revaluation of the value of this point.

In an attempt to compensate for the galloping inflation observed in recent months, supplementary retirement pensions will increase by 5.12% from the November 1, 2022. A decision taken during the Board of Directors of Agirc-Arrco, on October 6 in the presence of employers’ organizations and trade unions. The service value of the Agirc-Arrco point will be set at €1.3498, against 1.2841 euros currently. The cost of this system is estimated at 4.5 billion euros over one year. This increase was decided on the basis of a change in the average salary of +4.82%, to which is added a catch-up of +0.1% in respect of inflation observed in 2021, the social partners have decided to grant the Board of Directors additional leeway of +0.2%, compatible with the plan’s financial trajectory.

After successive increases of 1% in January 2022, then 4% last July (+60 euros per month for a pension of 1,200 euros), retirement pensions under the basic scheme will experience a further increase in January 2023.

The increase should be around 0.8%, as included in the Social Security financing bill. Complementary items will increase by 5.12% on November 1. The government’s objective being to index the rise in pensions to the rise in inflation, measured at 6.2% in October over one year, and which should exceed 5.3% on average over the whole of 2022. With the three successive increases, the increase in pensions could then offset inflation. Here is the full schedule:

  • September 9, 2022 : 4% increase for pensions from the basic scheme
  • September 28, 2022 : 4% increase for retirees from the State civil service
  • September 29, 2022 : 4% increase for retirees from the hospital public service
  • November 1, 2022 : increase of 5.12% for complementary Agirc-Arrco
  • January 1, 2023 : increase of 0.8% for pensions from the basic scheme

Starting the January 1, 2023them basic pension will already see their third increase in a year. This time, the increase should reach 0.8%. With the latter, the government intends to index pensions to inflation (more than 5% on average over the year 2022). As a reminder, this year, pensions have already increased by 1% in January, and by 4% in July. This new measure in favor of purchasing power concerns 14 million seniors. The retirees concerned are those affiliated with:

  • CNAV (national pension fund)
  • CNRACL (national fund of local authority agents)
  • ERS (state pension service)
  • CNAVPL (national old-age insurance fund for the liberal professions).

This increase in pensions concerns all the basic schemes! In other words, the retirement of proper rightthe pensions of reversionthe beneficiaries of theASPA as well as theUPS.

The overall retirement pension for civil servants consists mainly of the basic pension. A supplementary scheme, the “additional public service pension (RAFP)” also exists, but is not affected by the revaluation of retirement pensions. The 4% increase in basic pensions depends on the public service to which you belong.

For the former civil servantswhich come under the SRE, the increase will occur end of October (you will receive for example 20 euros for July + 20 euros for August + 20 euros for September). For the hospital civil servants and local authorities, under the CNRACL, the retroactive payment of July 1 and August takes place end of Septemberat the same time as the pension increased by 4% corresponding to the month of September.
