Today there are over 50,000 registered A tractors in Sweden, which is a doubling in two and a half years. In line with that, accidents have increased, and during the autumn four young people have died.
In October last year, the Swedish Transport Agency was commissioned by the government to review the safety requirements for the vehicle, and on 1 November the results came.
The police after the fatal accidents: “That’s why young people shouldn’t drive an A-tractor”
Here are the Swedish Transport Agency’s requirements for A tractors
Requirements for the use of seat belts when traveling with a tractor on the road.
Requirement that passengers in tractors when traveling on the road must sit in a seat intended for passengers and only one passenger per seat.
Tractors must not be driven faster than the maximum permitted design speed, which is 30 kilometers per hour.
Two-year probationary period for driving license with authorization AM.
Requirements for winter tires in the same way as for passenger cars.
Introduction of technical requirements to make speed limit manipulation more difficult.
The requirements for equipment for exhaust gas treatment are tightened.
Increased focus on risks in the training for driver’s licenses with authorization AM and the possibility to do the training with four-wheeled vehicles.
Clarified requirements for the presence and design of the LGF sign.
Young people in A-tractor refuse to use seat belts: “Not necessary”