Criticism of the World Cup 2022 in Qatar – “Bribery and slave labor”

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There are probably very few people who have missed criticism of the football World Cup 2022. There is a lot to have opinions. Not least how Qatar was chosen as the host country. Their treatment of women and LGBTQ people is also widely criticized.

Here you will find the loudest criticism of Qatar ahead of the 2022 World Cup.

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Decision & vote for Qatar as host country

Few thought that Qatar would have a chance to host the football World Cup in 2022. When all the applications were in – it was mainly between Japan, the USA, South Korea or Australia.

When the news came that FIFA thought Qatar was the most suitable host nation – many eyebrows were raised. Not long after, many accusations of bribery or manipulation emerged. It was for many the only possibility that Qatar would be best suited.

It wasn’t long before journalists dug into history to find a skin buried. Quite quickly it was realized that several football associations and FIFA’s executive committee have received favors and rewards for voting for Qatar. Which not least led to FIFA’s then president – Sepp Blatter – having to leave his post.

Despite the resignation of Zepp Blatter – the decision is firm that the WC 2022 will be played in Qatar. A country that is not much bigger than Skåne. A country where it can get up to 50 degrees. There is also a major lack of stadiums and infrastructure required to host the football World Cup.

Thousands of deaths among workers

The lack of stadiums, metro systems or highways has required Qatar to make huge investments in the World Cup 2022. From all indications, the World Cup 2022 in Qatar will be by far the most expensive World Cup ever.

A lot of criticism is about how well these investments hit “ordinary people”. Qatar is characterized by huge class differences between rich and poor. Perhaps many in the country had seen other types of investment.

These huge investments will employ many in jobs in Qatar. However, it is mainly guest workers from other countries who build the arenas. The handling of these workers is perhaps the single most criticised. It is estimated that around 6,000 workers died in the aftermath of the build-up to the football World Cup. Guest workers in Qatar come mainly from Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Fans learn to boycott Qatar

That Qatar should expect a public celebration during the WC 2022 – should probably be discounted. This championship is expected to have significantly lower football tourism than previous organizers. The reason is many. Not least, the football World Cup will be played for the first time during the winter. This is because it is slightly cooler in the country during these months. It is still believed to be around 40 degrees for many days.

The fact that Qatar has very different rules compared to Europe will not be beneficial for a football party. For example, it will be forbidden to drink alcohol, make noise, dress “challengingly” or not show enough respect for Islam. The penalties for these offenses can be long and harsh.

There will therefore be many from Europe and North America who will boycott going to Qatar. However, many learn to follow the matches by using the WC live stream & on TV. It feels like there could be a record number of people watching the football World Cup in a way other than live in the stadiums.

Human Rights

Many fans also hesitate to go to Qatar – not least because they believe that Qatar does not live up to human rights. Not least, criticism has been leveled at the way the country treats women, homosexuals or critics of Islam.

Qatar is counted as one of the countries that violates the most points regarding human rights. There are special penalties for women violating dress codes regarding the shawl/niqab/burqa. It is also strictly forbidden for homosexuals to even stay in the country. It can lead to punishment that involves the death penalty or whipping.
