Does the time change cause more deaths on the roads with winter time?

Does the time change cause more deaths on the roads

The controversy over the time change regularly moves into the field of road safety. Playing on brightness and sleep time can have an influence on road accidents.

In this year 2022, among the grievances often advanced against the time change, there is one that is particularly debated: that of the number of road accidents. While we are going to return to winter time this Sunday, October 30, are we going to witness an upsurge in deaths on the roads? This is what the most virulent detractors of the time change claim. By setting our clocks back an hour, we would indeed have an influence on the sunshine time. The sun will rise earlier in the morning, favoring confrontation with ice or fog. It will also set earlier in the evening, reducing visibility when drivers are most tired.

Because a second argument argues against the time change: the fatigue that it would cause. Despite the gain of an hour of sleep in winter, the time change would disturb our biological clock. According to some chrono-biologists, the human body is like a machine that needs precise adjustments. Bedtimes and sunrise times as well as meal times are part of these settings. And the time change would modify them considerably causing a harmful “chrono-break”. Tired, less concentrated, motorists would therefore also be more dangerous.

Road safety alerts on the time change

The month of October is particularly rich in road accidents, but this is also the case for the summer months and the month of December, periods of great travel and sometimes difficult weather conditions. It’s even official: the switch to winter time causes an increase in pedestrian accidents each year (but also cyclists and scooter users), due to the drop in light during peak hours (mornings and evenings). ). Result: pedestrian road mortality peaks in autumn/winter. According to road safety“the number of pedestrian accidents increases by 50% during the first weeks following the time change”.

Thus, on its website, Road Safety not only lists advice for pedestrians, but also for motorists. The former are encouraged to remain visible by wearing light colors or a reflective accessory. For children, also prefer light-colored clothes and schoolbags equipped with retro-reflective strips. It is more than ever advisable to use the pedestrian crossings and with all caution. Pedestrians have priority, but they must remain vigilant when crossing, especially in the dark. It is also advisable to walk on the left side of the road in order to clearly see the vehicles arriving in front.

Motorists for their part must slow down a little more when approaching a pedestrian crossing. This recommendation applies especially in the dark, after the time change. Road Safety specifies: “You must be able to stop before crossing, because pedestrians are likely to arise”. It is also necessary to respect the priority for pedestrians and to anticipate giving way to the pedestrian who is crossing or who is about to cross. The time change should encourage you to drive with the windows dry and demisted, and to stay away by moving at least one meter away from the sidewalks for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.
