Wake up: The shelf life of corona tests is a concern | Finland has big climate goals

Wake up The shelf life of corona tests is a
The main news of the morning:

The liquid of corona tests may evaporate, people have reported to Fimea – 6 questions and answers about the shelf life of corona tests

The Russian attack almost emptied a village known to many in Lappeenranta: ”Our village has nothing left”

Finland is promoting an initiative on the protection and restoration of forests at the UN climate conference

Iranians have a new way to protest against the government, and it’s so good it’s not easy to stop

A man bought a women’s bicycle – a dispute broke out in which it was settled whether the seller should be charged separately for goods made for a certain gender

Rain all over the country, snow in Lapland

A large area of ​​rain arrives from the west and moves eastward over the entire country during the day and evening of Saturday. In some parts of Lapland, the rain will probably come as snow, and there may be a lot of snow in places. During the evening, the weather will clear up.

Read more about the weather on ‘s weather pages.
