After the murder of Justine Vayrac, what prison sentence for Lucas L.?

After the murder of Justine Vayrac what prison sentence for

Placed in pre-trial detention since he confessed to the murder of Justine Vayrac, Lucas L. faces a heavy prison sentence.

His disappearance therefore had a dramatic outcome. Lucas L. ended up admitting to having killed Justine Vayrac, Sunday October 23, 2022, in Beynat (Corrèze), south of Brive. Arrested and placed in police custody on Tuesday, the defendant initially remained silent before confessing his crime to the investigators. Aged just 21, the young man was remanded in custody. In view of the charges against him, he should spend very many years in prison. Indeed, the public prosecutor of Limoges, who recovered the file, announced, Thursday, October 27, to have opened a judicial investigation for rape, kidnapping without voluntary release before the 7th day and murder preceded, accompanied, or followed by another crime. For the last count, it should be noted that rape is recognized as a crime.

Towards life and 20 years of safety period?

Faced with the charges against him, Lucas L. faces a maximum prison sentence. Indeed, the public prosecutor of Limoges announced it himself: the suspect could be sentenced, at the end of his trial, to life imprisonment. This is indeed what article 221-2 of the Penal Code provides: “murder which precedes, accompanies or follows another crime is punishable by life imprisonment.” Moreover, if such a sentence were actually pronounced by an Assize Court, a security period of 18 or 22 years could be added to the verdict. Thus, throughout this period, no adjustment of sentence can be pronounced, whether it is conditional release or semi-freedom.

Despite the atrocity of his act and the heavy charges brought against him, Lucas L. cannot be sentenced to incompressible life imprisonment. In fact, this is only applicable in cases of murder with rape, torture or acts of barbarism on a minor under the age of fifteen, murder in an organized gang of a person holding public authority, assassination of a person holding public authority or terrorist crime.
