Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1302 of October 25, 2022

Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1302 of October

In the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us 1302 broadcast on October 25, 2022, Martin has a new conquest: the mysterious Flavie.

In the episode of DNA broadcast on October 25 on TF1, the relationship of Régis is confirmed. Brigitte learns by surprise and she is devastated, but that does not prevent her from giving a very nice speech at her husband’s funeral. The ceremony is moving, but Aurore keeps her eyes peeled and spots a stranger in the crowd. It is about a new neighbor who confirms having seen Régis several times in the company of his mistress and having overheard an argument between them. Finding Flavie is impossible, the young woman systematically changes identity and seems to have new victims. She leaves a man to find another… It’s about Martin who abandons himself in the arms of his new crush.

In parallel to Sète, Emma surprises Camille chatting with Adam while the influencer had said that she would be with Dorian. Emma is furious and feels betrayed. She is ready to leave Sète and never wants to hear from the one she considered her best friend. In this episode of tomorrow belongs to us, Alex realizes that something is wrong and discusses with his employee who confides. He advises her to speak with Camille. The two friends have a heart-to-heart talk and reconcile.

Also in episode 1302 of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast on October 25 on TF1, Noor and Gabriel are boiling hot and get laid in all possible and imaginable places, including Raphaëlle’s office. Boiling hot… And head in the air since Gabriel forgets his condom wrapper on the spot and has to lie to the lawyer. Later, the two lovers are surprised at the hospital. Soraya, who knows nothing of their little game, reproaches them for their lack of seriousness, but all this gives her ideas and she takes Stéphane for some sex in the office.
