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How to age happily? While 78% of French people fear aging, according to an Ipsos study dating from 2019, the number of people over 60 is expected to increase by 2040. Enough to make the question of ‘aging well’ a health issue public.
“Getting old is a chance”, abounds the study “aging happily” conducted by the Spinoza Observatory. “Old age reveals its own riches in terms of experience, lucidity, love, wisdom“. However, this period of life is not always viewed favorably by the population. Ageism, negative stereotypes, dependency… So many prejudices that the report wishes to deconstruct in order to change the view of old age.
Prolong the number of healthy years
“The old people of today are not those of yesterday” presents the report. Life expectancy has increased considerably, from 46 years in 1950 to 86 years for women and 80 years for men. Nevertheless , the number of years in good health has stabilized around the age of 60. A difference which can be explained in particular by a negative view of this age.
According to the study, this period of life is not synonymous with decline, loneliness or disability. Only 1 in 5 people over the age of 85 are dependent. Moreover, negative stereotypes are not without health consequences. Indeed, “thinking that old age goes hand in hand with disease increases the symptoms of the disease, medical inobedience, even mortality (36% vs 14%)“, specify the experts. Conversely, a positive perception can lengthen the lifespan by about seven years.
Well-being is one of the pillars for a positive old age. In Spain, the term “jubilación”, translated as “joyfulness”, is used to talk about retirement. In France, 78% of people over 65 feel like they live their age well, according to an Ispos study published in 2020. This feeling of well-being helps to gain emotional stability. Exit negative emotions related to anxiety, stress, anger, etc.
Preparing for retirement
The end of professional activity can be confusing for seniors. Specialists advise a smooth transition and planning for a self-employed activity such as volunteering, getting involved in an association or in local politics. Thinking about digital training can also be stimulating and limit the risks of illiteracy. Santé Publique France has also set up a portal for aging well.
“Aging happily means aging active, i.e. in motion“, explain the specialists. While more than 90% of people over 65 want to age in place, some reflexes are to be taken. Physical activity, such as walks in the forest or gardening, makes it possible to limit the risk of accidents. including fractures of the femoral neck. It also leads to new schedules. Full days can also improve the quality of sleep, which is generally in decline in older people.
So many solutions for aging happily and in good health. This issue risks becoming a public health issue, according to INSEE projections. By 2040, a quarter of French people will be over 65 years old.