Anti-Semitic comments will be expensive for Kanye West – one partner after another will break up

Anti Semitic comments will be expensive for Kanye West one

The latest company to announce the end of cooperation is Adidas. West’s ex-wife Kim Kardashian has condemned anti-Semitism without mentioning the rapper.

American rapper Kanye West has lost a large number of its partners in a short time. The reason is Westin, which is now the official name Yesanti-Semitic or anti-Jewish speeches.

The German sports equipment company Adidas has been the latest to announce the termination of cooperation.

– Adidas will stop cooperation with Ye immediately. Adidas does not accept anti-Semitism or any other form of hate speech. Ye’s recent comments and actions are reprehensible, hateful and dangerous, Adidas states in your announcement (you will switch to another service) and says the rapper violated the company’s values.

Adidas will stop the sale of products belonging to the Yeezy brand, designed together with the rapper, and all revenues to his companies. Adidas estimates that stopping the sale of popular products means a loss of up to 250 million euros to its net income.

Ex-wife Kim Kardashian condemns anti-Semitism

West has been causing a stir for a long time with his unusual comments and confusing actions. At the beginning of October, he appeared at the Paris Fashion Week in a shirt with the text “White lives matter”. The expression is seen as a show of support for those pushing white supremacy.

The freshest Kohut seems to have been the last straw for many partners. Before Adidas, the rapper’s agency CAA and the fashion companies Balenciaga and Gap have already cut off their cooperation. It has also been decided to cancel the release of a recent documentary film about the rapper.

Ex-wife Kim Kardashian has published a message on social media in which he condemns hate speech, gives his support to the Jewish community and demands an immediate end to the violence and hatred directed at Jews. Kardashian does not mention her ex-husband in her update.

Social media services Instagram and Twitter suspended West’s accounts earlier this month. West’s response to the loss of social media was the announcement to buy the social media service Parler, known as a far-right breeding ground. According to the rapper, he wants to protect conservative opinions with his purchase.

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