The Superman appearance in Black Adam is a disgrace to DC

The Superman appearance in Black Adam is a disgrace to

After the Black Adam theatrical release practically only one moment from the new DC blockbuster is talked about. Of course it’s about the end credits scene where Henry Cavill finally returns as Superman. It’s a performance that DC fans have been looking forward to for a long time and has made many dreams come true.

Unfortunately, the performance fails completely, what about the clap lovelessly implementation of Cavill’s return lies.

Watch another Black Adam trailer here:

Black Adam – Trailer 2 (German) HD

Black Adam scene with Superman couldn’t look clumsier

A whole article could be filled just about the creation of the short Black Adam end credits scene. Suffice it to say, cinematographer Lawrence Sher captures the impact of the moment pretty well when he narrates Cavill’s Superman performance on the Hollywood Reporter podcast filmed in about 10 minutes on the last day of reshoots became.

Completely lackluster, the scene takes place in a dark setting, which could also be any warehouse. From the nature of the cuts in the Man of Steel’s performance, it quickly becomes clear that Dwayne Johnson and Henry Cavill were never in the same room for a second in the scene anyway.

A practice that is now common in blockbusters such as the MCU films and serves to realize common scenes despite difficult pandemic conditions. One Sorry for cheap looking results however, this practice is not, and the Black Adam credits scene is the best proof of this.

In addition to the clumsy implementation, the short moment can never hide the fact that he cranked down only as a hype drug was designed to quickly upgrade what was at best a mediocre, indifferent DC film.

Black Adam reminds of terrible Morbius credits scene

Similar to the subterranean Morbius credits scene, which couldn’t have seemed more out of place, the Superman appearance in the Black Adam post-credits scene feels like a bad commercial on.

Cavill’s walk out of the shadows gives the impression that he just stumbled into the wrong movie. In addition, the actor appears to have been softened by a filter, which makes it look like you have his face subsequently digitally placed on a body double. Which I can easily imagine.

Check out the first trailer for the next DC movie Shazam 2 here:

Shazam 2: Fury of the Gods – SDCC Trailer (German) HD

But, surprise: The scene with Cavill was actually filmed, according to cinematographer Lawrence Sher! But that doesn’t change the fact that both sides, the moments with Johnson’s Black Adam and Cavill’s Superman, seem like two makeshift glued individual parts that repel each other.

The hastily sloppy Black Adam end credits scene has little to do with anything remotely coherent filmmaking. Here, only the most embarrassing marketing is really aimed at, in order to secure the next few years of a brand sinking into chaos and to make euphoric fans scream for seconds.

The post-credit scenes from DC or Marvel can do that too Slideshow images of stars and their returning characters. It really can’t get any more loving.

Black Adam: The DCEU’s lowest point so far

Rarely have our colleagues from the FILMSTARTS podcast on screen love been as unanimous as with Black Adam and seldom has harsh criticism been expressed so unanimously: The blockbuster with Dwayne Johnson is the low point in the history of the DC Extended Universe (DCEU).

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What did you think of the implementation of the post-credits scene in Black Adam?
