The last castle has fallen! Steam dollar rate became 10 TL

The last castle has fallen Steam dollar rate became 10

Bad news came for the players in the morning and the Steam dollar rate, which has been the same for years, rose to around 10 TL, despite a variable pricing.

Steam, the stronghold of PC players, has also offered a great advantage for players in our country, as it has kept the dollar rate very low for years. In the morning hours, the last castle fell and it was revealed that there was an increase in prices on the Steam dollar rate side.

Steam dollar rate increased to 10 TL

As many game lovers know, Steam used to get the dollar rate from 1. TL. Of course, although many companies have the opportunity to specify their own pricing, as it still is in the system, we have witnessed that productions that automatically define prices due to this low dollar rate are always on sale in our country at very reasonable prices. This situation has changed as of today.

Steam dollar rate rose to around 10 TL. The reason why we say around is that although it is taken as 10 TL in low-budget games, in fact, as the game price increases, we see that there are fluctuations in the exchange rate. Although it is still suitable for international prices, it is expected that the games will now be listed with different prices compared to their old prices.

Of course, as we said, this kind of pricing is done by companies in big-budget games, and therefore we can encounter very different prices. For example, the price of many games listed as 60 dollars has increased to 510 TL as of the moment. However, it may be more convenient or more expensive than the intervention of the same company. Like the $70 Modern Warfare 2 listed for $1,099.
