Johnson gives up running for a second term as Premier

Johnson gives up running for a second term as Premier

(Finance) – Boris Johnson forgoes the race for Dowining Street and paves the way for a rival of Indian origin Rishi Sunak. The former Premier has taken a sensational step backwards, giving up to run for the succession to Liz Trusswho resigned last week as chief executive and leader of the Conservative party following the flop of his economic policy.

Indeed, Bojo does not seem to have forgotten the pressures suffered last summer following the scandal of Partygate which led him to resign as Premier and give way to Truss.

The announcement of Johnson’s resignation came late yesterday evening, Sunday 23 October, despite the former British prime minister having collected more than 100 necessary endorsements to your candidacy e enough for the ballot with Sunak. “Unfortunately these days I have come to the conclusion that it would not be the right thing to do,” said the former Prime Minister, announcing his resignation from the position of leader of the Tories and Premier, adding “I would have been well placed” to win the elections in 2024 against the Laborers led by Keir Starmer.

The competitor Sunak42 years old, Indian origin, former Chancellor of the Exchequersees the threshold of Downing Street ever closer, being able to count on votes of at least 150 deputies, with the support of a rather diverse majority ranging from ultra-right pro Brexit to moderates. Sunak, who boasts contacts in the world of finance and at the City, he had already measured himself last September with the former Premier Liz Truss, failing to break through, and is now preparing to become Premier with a big goal ahead: to heal the UK economy in deep crisis and in a global context dominated by many uncertainties.

Further back the other competitor remained in contention, the Minister Penny Mordauntwhich has just assets about thirty votes. However, it will remain to be seen where the hundred votes claimed by Johnson will converge now that his resignation is clear.
